Nama :
Kasanti Oktaviani
NPM : 24212039
Kelas : 3EB12
NPM : 24212039
Kelas : 3EB12
The Use of Gadget for Children
In the era of globalization at this time, the use
of gadgets not only in older adults,
many children are already using the gadget. This phenomenon is most easily be found in children who
came from a wealthy family, where
the gadget is no longer a luxury to them. some children are facilitated gadget by his parents
to busy playing the gadget
so that parents can more freely move without
the need to constantly accompany her. There are also parents
who may intend to introduce
the technology gadget it early on to his
children. on the one hand there
are some benefits to children from an early age are familiar with gadgets, that they know the
technology early on. And there are also some vendors game that can
sharpen the intellect of children, such as puzzles, word games, etc This makes
the children who love to play the gadget becomes like home. And this is an
advantage for busy parents. If the child is at home, then parents will be free
to conduct its activities. Some parents also
buy their children mobile phones, so you can easily monitor the whereabouts of their children. In
areas that are prone to kidnapping children, get
children to communicate with HP will be enough
to help parents supervise their children.
The use of the gadget also has a negative impact on children. Including the following
Cultural Aspect:
Children are now becoming less sociable. Because it
always plays his gadgets, in addition, the lack of interest of children is now the
culture itself. Children become more excited to foreign culture, such as
learning dance from abroad, suffle dance, break dance, etc. of the studied dance in his own country. this is very easy due to a variety of information
obtained via the Internet.
Aspects of education:
Children become
lazy to learn,
because it always plays his gadget. Rapid technological advances make
children happy with the knowledge
gained, so assume that what they read on
the internet is that knowledge is complete and
The Nation’s Characteristic
Advances in technology bring
a lot of convenience, the next generation has the potential to become a generation
who can not stand with difficulties.